Web Application


Trestle is your shopping assistant that helps you shop online according to your own ethical value set.

Trestle is a Portland-based technology company aiming to make conscious consumerism convenient. They collect data on how companies operate and create technologies to provide transparent information to consumers as they shop online.

Jennifer and Carl  partnered with a CTO and the team architected, designed, and developed this startup system from the the ground up. Trestle set out to reimagine how people could understand the ethical values behind their favorite brand and then better connect with brands who better aligned with their individual personal values.

Scraping for Values

We designed a smart scraping system to collect a brand's stated values and connected any proven values to the brand's ethical profile. While shopping online, when someone landed on this brand's website, or found that brand on various online marketplaces, the browser extension would pop up and provide a compatibility ranking between the shopper and the brand. The shopper would have instant access to the brand's proof statements, and could follow the proof directly to the source documentation.

Providing better alternatives

When the shopper landed on a store with suboptimal values, the button would pop up an alternative similar product from a company with a better values-match score. This way the shopper can support their own specific values conveniently and with minimal intentionality.

Check out this video from Jennifer explaining how the Trestle works!

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